Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Michigan State University--密歇根州立大学生物化学与分子生物学系



  The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) is administered jointly by the Colleges of Natural Science, Human Medicine, and Osteopathic Medicine. Study for the Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Science degree with a major in biochemistry and molecular biology may be administered by any one of the three colleges referenced above. Study for the Doctor of Philosophy degree with a major in biochemistry and molecular biology—environmental toxicology is administered by the College of Natural Science. Areas of active research in the Department are extensive and diverse. Such areas include plant biochemistry, computational biology, structural biology, eukaryotic and prokaryotic molecular biology, membrane biochemistry and signaling mechanisms, genomics, proteomics, intermediary metabolism and metabolic regulation, and mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. Opportunities are also available for joint programs or collaborative research in genetics, cell biology, microbiology, neuroscience, toxicology, biotechnology, microbial ecology, and plant sciences.

  The major objectives of the graduate programs in BMB are to help students to develop their creative potential and to prepare them for careers in research and teaching in the biochemical sciences. Individual programs of study are designed to develop independent thought as well as broad knowledge and technical skills, through formal and informal courses, laboratory experience, seminars, individual study, and, foremost, through original research that forms the basis for the student's thesis or dissertation.

  BMB is a group of over 50 faculty, over 100 graduate students and post-doctoral research associates, and over 400 undergraduate majors. The department is the focal point for biochemistry and molecular biology teaching and research on campus.